Each year as summer rolls around I am reminded of one of the greater things this season has to offer: destination walks. The term means exactly what you would guess, going on a walk in order to get somewhere, or to accomplish something. Simple as that.
This year, I was first greeted with this seasonal luxury when my partner in crime, Lucy, and I were particularly pleased with ourselves for deciding to take advantage of the Baskin Robins located in a shopping center directly in front of my sister and her husband's home (shout out to Caroline and Kyle).
We hopped in my car and drove over to their house eagerly awaiting our frozen treat. Side note: if you are a member of the Williams family ice cream is automatically in your top 5 favorite foods, and it is essential for you to eat it a minimum of once a day. Seriously.
Upon arrival, we gathered up all of the other participating family members and started was was for me, the inaugural walk of the season.
While our walk was short, it was filled with funny stories and laughter. We approached our final destination only to be harshly let down by a sign posted on the door stating, "Closed this Tuesday night for remodeling", a.k.a. they were just getting new floor tiles. Such a let down!
Thankfully, this was a well equipped shopping center, complete with a Publix. Way to be there when we needed you (and ice cream), Publix.
In all of this I was reminded of how much I appreciate destination walking in the summer. Don't get me wrong, they can be terrible if you go around 1 or 2 in the midst of the blazing afternoon sun, but when scheduled post-dinner they are always such a treat!
There's something so special about the temperature of the air that greets my skin as I walk out the door, the conversations had, and the peacefulness of a bustling world winding down after a hot day. So, this summer I'm making it my goal to walk to all of my reasonably distanced destinations at the right time of day, of course, and truly enjoy the rewarding fellowship, sweet treats, and appreciation for the outdoors that were artfully crafted by my Heavenly Father's hand.
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